Sunday, September 14, 2008

SideBoard Decorations

Continuing with fall decorating--added fall leaves and candles in a basket to my sideboard, lots of stuff, I tend to overdo when it comes to decorating, repeat I like lots of stuff. I think this is all I'm doing. I delivered the door hanging to my parents in the nursing home and my sister requested a door hanging, which I must do. (she spends lots of time checking on my parents). My dad celebrated his birthday this month (9/9) and he is 89 years young. He is a sweet southern gentlemen. We are lucky to still have our parents, they share the same room in the nursing home, my mother has lost the ability to speak due to dementia, but she can still call my dad by name. Her love for dad has never missed a beat.

It is a beautiful day here in Mississippi, wind slightly blowing and the sun is shining. I thank god for the day and the many blessing that have come my way. I have rambled today, sorry if I bored you.


Nola said...

Sue, I adore your fall decorations. I really like the way you use books to add color and height to your scapes! I do that, too (probably why I like it so). That porcelain lamp on the right is beautiful, is there a story behind it?
I am a "detail" person, so I like all the tiny details,like those pretty candles! I noticed the "picture" hanging above the sideboard, but couldn't make out what it was. I was pleasantly surprised when I zoomed in to get a closer look and realized it was a mirror, reflecting your beautiful blue willow dishes! Now you have to show us some up close shots of the blue willow someday.
How sweet of you to decorate your parent's place at the nh. My mama had dementia, too, so I know how difficult it is on the family. It is wonderful that they can stay together, I know how much it must mean to your dad to be able to be able to watch over her.

Nola said...

It's surprising when you see people actually reading your blog. Lot's of people visit that never comment. I added a gadget - Feedjit thing that shows who is, or has been on the blog, you don't know who, but it will show where, like if I visit, it shows a visitor from Dallas, etc... You should add one to yours, they are neat, and easy, just point and click. I want to add a counter, but I've never figured out how to do that; maybe some day!
I am trying to click on your audio clip, but can't quite get it to work yet, but I'll keep trying.

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Hi Sue...YES, please do join us for Tablescape Tuesday! I love your fall decorations and your sideboard is gorgeous. Your parents sound wonderful that they are together!

Jane O' said...

I really like your fall arrangement. It's making me think of baked apples and pumpkin pie. I love this time of year!

Nanette Merrill said...

Your fall post is lovely. Its good you still can visit your parents. Happy Birthday to your dad.

Carrie said...

Beautiful...the colors are so welcoming.
Wow, everyone is doing their fall decorating...but I have a big family get-together this weekend for my mother's 90th birthday and am not ready to take out the fall things yet.

One Shabby Old House said...

One of the first places I have viewed today and all I can say is wow. Very nice fall decorations.

Bo said...

Just now getting around to viewing everyone's Tablescape posts...and I LOVE your sideboard...I'm a more is more kind of gal too...also, the mix of patterns on your dining table keeps everything interesting...very, very nice!
;-) Bo